Anca Ramsden is a Clinical Psychologist (MA, Clin Psyc, HED Teaching Diploma, certified Auditory Integration trainer), with over 27 years experience working with adults and children both in a hospital setting (adult psychiatric out-patients and child and family units) and in private practice.
In 1991 she began researching sensory integration as a psychotherapy tool for stress release, psychological resilience and adult personality development, and through her extensive experience in both practical therapy and education, designed a personality development psychotherapy for adults based on emotional and neurological development principles. This approach offers an effective therapy for achieving adults who have emotional, behavioral, social, learning and career performance challenges.
Anca’s experience incorporates:
- work in educational facilities, providing assessments and managing learning difficulties,
- working with victims of violence, including family, political, active combat and criminal violence,
- providing services to people working in stressful environments, such as police officers and criminal law attorneys,
- a successful track record in clinical mental state evaluations and psychometric assessments,
- provision of psychotherapy for adults, marital and family therapy and psychotherapy for children, mental health education for lay persons,
- compiling and conducting training courses for health care professionals plus qualitative and quantitative clinical research,
- consulting in the area of market research and corporate management training.
She conducts a private practice, provides training to health professionals in this modality and presents research at conference level.
Member of:
and APS Clinical College. |
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